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Patent from the Lyon King of Arms 1890.


Tenax propositi.

crest text

Excerpt of letters patent from the Lyon King of Arms, in favour of David Carnduff Esquire, dated 19th  March 1890.

Whereas David Carnduff Esquire, formally inspector of schools in the Bengal Education Department, hath by petition of date the fifteenth day of January ultimo represented unto Us that he is the sixth but fourth surviving son of the late Andrew Carnduff Esquire, who resided at Millburn in the parish of Tarbolton and county of Ayr. And Elizabeth daughter of James Reid, Esquire, his wife; and hath Prayed that we would grant Our Licence and Authority to him and his descendants to bear and use such Ensigns Armorial as such be found suitable and according  to the Laws of Arms; Know ye therefore that We have devised and do by these presents Assign, Ratify, and confirm to the said David Carnduff Esquire, and to his descendants with such congruent differences as may hereafter be matriculated for them the following Ensigns Armorial, as depicted upon the margin hereof and Matriculated of even date with these presents in our Public Register of all Arms and Bearings in Scotland, Viz.t Argent, on a Saltire Azure between an Eagle displayed Sable in chief and a Serpent nowed in base Vert, a Martlet of the first, above the shield is placed a helmet befitting his degree with a Mantling Jules doubled Argent, and on a wreath of his Liveries is set for Crest, a Dexter-hand grasping a banner Argent charged with a Saltire coupled Azure, and in an Escrol over the same this Motto, “Tenax propositi” (Tenacious of purpose). Matriculated the nineteenth day of March 1890  M Mitchell Lyon Clerk. 

david cameron carnduff
15 Jan 2018
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